Carys Earl

Nationality: GBR/CHE Height: 178cm Age: 22
Course Medicine
College Gonville and Caius
University Cambridge
Status Undergraduate
Role Rower

Boat Race History

  • 2023 – Cambridge Women’s Reserve Boat

About Carys:

Why did you choose Medicine?

This traditionally styled course gives you an incredibly in depth understanding of the functioning of the human body, disorders and the development of treatment methods as well as extensive training in medical practice at one of the country’s largest teaching hospitals. The course is a wonderful balance of scientific exploration alongside excellent practical skill learning – perfectly setting you up for a career as a doctor.

Why did you first try rowing?

I did a bit of indoor rowing at school so when I came to Cambridge I knew I wanted to try out the sport so I went along to a Fresher’s event at the college boat club and haven’t looked back since!

Who introduced you to the sport of rowing?

Tim Schmalz at Caius Boat Club

Where else have you rowed?

After a year at Caius Boat Club I started trailling at CUBC

What are your proudest rowing achievements?

Being a part of the CUBC clean sweep at the Boat Race last year

Do you have a favourite Boat Race? Which one and why?

The 2022 Boat Race was the first one that I watched after learning how to row and so I could appreciate the sport so much more then before. Being at Cambridge then myself made the race mean so much more to me and made it more exciting. Also, the Cambridge Women setting a course record with such a talented crew was incredible to watch!!

What would winning The Boat Race mean to you?

The culmination of an amazing season. Incredibly proud to add to Cambridge Women’s winning streak and become a part of the rich history of the club.

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