Grace Glover

Nationality: GBR Height: 165cm Age: 24
Course Medicine
College St Anne's College
University Oxford
Status Undergraduate
Role Rower

About Grace:

Why did you choose Medicine?

You get to split your time between learning basic science, developing communication skills by talking to patients, and gaining clinical skills on the wards. As it’s a 6 year degree with so many unique experiences you also get really close as a year group, I’ve made some of my closest friends on my course.

Why did you first try rowing?

I’d never had the opportunity to try it whilst at school, and thought if there was ever a time to try it, then it was whilst at Oxford – although I think my Dad was more excited about it than I was

Who introduced you to the sport of rowing?

Natalie Holden at St Anne’s College

Where else have you rowed?

No where else

What are your proudest rowing achievements?

Every bumps race with my college – the fact we have a rowing team at all as a newer college that developed off the back of being on of the first women’s colleges in Oxford is pretty awesome.

Racing BUCS and Henley womens with OUW development squad

What would winning The Boat Race mean to you?

For someone who had never rowed before university and wasn’t particularly good at sport at school it would be amazing!

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