Benjamin Atkinson
About Benjamin:
What course are you studying and what level?
MChem in Chemistry
Why did you chose that course?
It was my favourite subject at school, and I chose Oxford because I wanted to specialise, not do NatSci.
When, where and why did you start rowing? And what do you love about the sport?
I started rowing at the start of year 9 at St Paul’s. I love being in an eight when everyone is rowing together on a paddle/piece
What was your first rowing club and coach?
Dickie Twyman at St Paul’s
What or who was the earliest sporting inspiration you remember as a child?
Probably Mo Farah at London 2012
How has rowing and being part of the Boat Race squad impacted your life?
I have made some of my closest friends through rowing.
If you weren’t a rower, what sport do you think you’d excel at?
Something to do with surfing
What is your favourite non-academic book?
Lord of the Rings
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