Dorothea Stark
About Dorothea:
Why did you choose Medicine?
I decided to study medicine after interning as a nursing assistant during COVID-19. I enjoyed natural sciences at school and always loved working with people and in teams that share a common goal. The reason I decided to move to the UK for uni, was to get an education in English to be able to work in global health and worldwide medical aid.
Why did you first try rowing?
I tried it out during freshers week and really enjoyed exercising as a group and meeting loads of people, while being outside.
Who introduced you to the sport of rowing?
Maximilan Lau at Worcester College, Oxford
What are your proudest rowing achievements?
Being captain of Worcester College Boat Club and winning four sets of blades overall that year.
What would winning The Boat Race mean to you?
Personally reaching such a high standard of racing so quickly after picking up the sport, while juggling academics would be the ultimate assurance to me, that there’s nothing one can’t achieve, if you set your mind to it.