Amadea Turk
About Amadea:
Why did you choose DPhil Primary Health Care?
For my DPhil I get to explore and try to understand how services are working in NHS primary care health and look at how we can make them more accessible to people who need them most. I love the interdisciplinary nature of the research and the potential it has to have an impact on how health care services are run and evaluated.
Why did you first try rowing?
I’d lived in Oxford for 11 years and had seen a lot of rowing so thought it was time to give it a try.
Where else have you rowed?
Green Templeton College, University of Oxford
What are your proudest rowing achievements?
Co-Captaining the Green Templeton College Women’s Team in 2022-23 and supporting the two women’s boats to go up in the College bumps charts.
What would winning The Boat Race mean to you?
It would mean a great deal. Everyone that trains for the Boat Race has to sacrifice an awful lot to do so, prioritising training over many other things they have going on in life. Winning the Boat Race would be the ultimate reward for all the hard work that goes into preparing for it.